Fixed Post


Tuesday, August 29, 2017


I know you dislike the half-mouthed grunt. I know you dislike the face sculpt altogether. Looks like he had a stroke you said. I know you hate the brown shading. I know some of you see it as a “half” life-size bust because there’s no back. I know most of you disliked because is very light to its size. In one word, you’ll never get the Hulk LSB. I did. And don’t regret a bit. On the contrary, it’s the statue I’m most excited to receive ever. No other sculpture generated – and generates since it is yet to come – such a frisson in my collector’s mind (and heart) than this one. Forget OG Hulk, this is the Hulk to get. The ultimate Hulk sculpture. The expression of Hulk is incredible as is the facial sculpture altogether. It gives him character and personality. Prove of this is people find it looks like many different persons, generally ridiculing him (I also think it resembles Clint Eastwood by the way, which is a good thing to me! :) ). What people don’t realize is that Hulk is a monster and as such it’ll never be pretty. The half-opened mouth give dynamics to an otherwise very static figure. The brown shadings ads depth and variation to the piece otherwise, with all shadings green, would look very one-dimensional according to a professional painter who happens to like the paint scheme all of you detested. Apart that, the figure is a perfect merge of reality and fantasy with hyper-detailed skin marks and pores and a comic book face sculpt. It’ll be an impacting piece in anyone’s collection and it’s decidedly the center piece of mine. One cannot deny that Hulk LSB causes a strong impression even if you are a life-size bust collector. It’s a piece that grabs you attention and doesn’t let go. I get to look at the pictures of Hulk LSB every day like I’m kind of in love with it. Like watching pictures of a beloved one who travelled. That’s how strongly connected I am to this statue. I’m just enchanted by it. Enchanted is the precise word about my feelings towards this piece.

Say all you gonna say it won’t move me a bit from my decision. The only thing I dislike about Hulk LSB is that I will have to ship it directly to Brazil (what won’t be cheap) since the box will be too big to fit checked luggage specifications. It is by a far margin the most expensive statue I have ever bought and also the last I will pay this astronomic price for a piece. I just wished I live in US like my brother… but the thing is I love Brazil, I really enjoy where I live and I’m retired and I could not receive my pension in US let alone live there. Nor I would trade my country just because of statues! I just hope Swamp Thing box to fit in checked luggage specifications. In addition, I expect it to be around $700-750 max. I don’t see why even with the size, for a niche DC character with simple casting to be more than that. I know it’s big. But it’s not Hulk LSB big (only in height). The base is not complex. It’s not a difficult statue to paint. No Heat-Seeker complexities on that piece, no throne. So it can be more affordable. Even though $700-750 is no small money. But it can’t cost the price of a 1/3 statue. Because it’s not. Bane, which is also a massive DC character and only 3 inches shorter, with a much more complex composition and mixed media went for $699. I hope it goes for $750. I will not pay more than this for this 1/4 figure even if it is my all-time favorite character (which Swamp Thing indeed is). I just find it outrageous to the consumer to ask more than that. Loyalty to a brand has limits and Sideshow nowadays are pushing the limits far too far. Better keep the feet on the ground and make everybody happy than have a stockpile of unsold figures since only the wealthy collectors will be able to afford. And there isn’t as much people interested in Swamp Thing as there is in Thanos on Throne. Be certain of that, so Sideshow should pick an inclusive price tag to gather as many lovers of the creature from the swamp as possible, not alienate them with preposterous prices. And, please, Sideshow, make a box that fits checked luggage specifications! The more compact the better without sacrificing the piece safety of course. Just like Killer Croc box organization would be fine. I believe there won’t be many parts to attach to this figure otherwise it would break the flow of the body vines and ligaments, breaking this way the whole concept of Paul Komoda as well. 

P.S.: a new interview may be coming soon. 

The Incredible Hulk Marvel Life-Size Bust

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