Fixed Post


Monday, November 28, 2016


Sideshow’s Killer Croc figure got me when I saw a close up of its face. The lines where crude, rough, almost as they were being made with anger, with the same ferocity of the character. Obviously and undeniably, it was hand sculpted. Computers can’t do that. As I loved the result, I decided to look for the main sculptor – Pablood-Z – to discover more about the process of bring it to life. Here is what we got about this figure that’ been low on the collectors radar, but is a sculpting accomplishment to those who likes their statues to have strong personality and enjoys pieces done the old fashion way.

Killer Croc: rough, organic - human - lines. That makes all the difference.

1 – I like very much the way Killer Croc was sculpted it has more crude, rough lines than any other statue I’ve ever seen on Sideshow. It was decided by the design team? Or it was in common accord with you?
(Pablood-Z): Working with Sideshow is all about teamwork, a lot of decisions are taken before and after they assign a project to sculptors, however each sculptor put its style on it, and that's what I always do, give my vision of the character, always that I am allowed.

2 – Looking at the figure and you soon realize it was hand sculpted. The pose the imperfections, the asymmetry… humanity in this statue is explicit. It was a decision taken early on in the project? Not to look like a computer generated image?
(P-Z): I don't think so, nowadays I could say that digital sculpture has conquered the market, and it has open the doors to many digital sculptors that have not a “strong" artistic formation, I feel digital media only expands and increase my possibilities as sculptor, I am happy that I decided to make the transition.

3 – This idea of a more “crude” sculpting has to do with the character represented or did you wanted to make a totally “non-computer” sculpture to show Sideshow still pulls it great style?
(P-Z): When I sculpted Killer Croc, I had zero digital experience, I just did it the only way I knew. However I agree that the crude style fits better on characters like these.

Good old had sculpt all along.

4 – Don’t you think it was an audacious undertaking? Many people could turn their noses thinking it looked like an “unfinished” figure of sorts or “made in a rush”… (even though nobody seemed to care as much as I do about this aspect of the Killer Croc)
(P-Z): Well, it always depends on everyone's point of view, many people are not able to see the difference between a good and a bad job. But never pursued to get an unfinished general aspect, rather I pursued an organic one.

5 – Anyway, I think the result turn out awesome because of the roughness, there are almost “violent” lines on the sculpt which makes it feels so fresh and different and matches so well the feral character. Well, being said that, I would like to know, because I believe the comparison is valid since they’re all “reptiles”: were the Sideshow Teenage Ninja Turtles sculpted in ZBrush (or whatever software you use)? If so, it influenced in some way the decision of going old style with Killer Croc?
(P-Z): No idea of who sculpted the turtles for Sideshow or if they are digital or traditional sculpt, but in any case, I go my own style always that's possible.

Turtles, hope we don't cross at the sewers... for your own good...

6 – Speaking of ZBrush you also sculpt in 3D software? If so what do you prefer: hand sculpt or computer sculpt? What are the benefits and the hurdles of each method?
(P-Z): Although there is a lot to learn about Zbrush, I already can say that Zbrush allows me more freedom and control over traditional. In fact, I am at a point where I tell myself why I didn't make the change years before, I feel that digital flows inside me more in only 1 year than traditional did for more than 15 years of sculpting. I don't miss traditional, but I know that thanks to it I grew as an artist.

7 – It was more easy or more difficult to sculpt Killer Croc this way, more rough around the edges? Or is this your style of sculpting?
(P-Z): I felt very comfortable sculpting Killer Croc, I think it has to do more with my style. This has been one of those easy to do sculpts compared to other projects.

8 – How much time from first discussions about the character to the prototype we saw at Comic Con? I just discovered you changed companies and became the Art Director/Lead Artist from Imaginarium Art (a good subject for a next interview! That there will be if you’re up to!)
(P-Z): Killer Croc was sculpted by ends 2014 I think. It took me 2 and a half months to get it complete. Previously, David Igo, incredible friend and Art Director, came with the idea of it and he provided some reference images of the style he was pursuing, then told me to generate some ideas for a statue based on that style. I made several rough sculpts and we went for one of them, that took me a couple of weeks.

Sometimes I'm falling to pieces, somebody put me together... ;)

9 – What was the role of Alfred Paredes on the sculpture? I bet that mouse was his idea.
(P-Z): Alfred Paredes? No idea. The sculpture is reflecting 98 % the work I made. Oh yes, I just checked, they added one line of Bricks at the bottom of the base. Sometimes, Sideshow makes tiny adjustments and they credit that person at the same level as the one who made the entire job which I do not agree.
I am providing some images of my original sculpt that will allow you to get your own conclusions. The rat was not on the original concept, I decided to sculpt and put it there because I felt it was a good harmless addition.

Details... and the rat! ;)

10 – Why Sideshow is using this translucent effect in every new figure it releases? Is it a new technology? A new material? What it is? It’s getting quite out of control, annoying, in my opinion. It’s like customs trend of doing every single character “on throne” now. Annoys me too. (But those are very subjective opinions! To me, just gets overwhelming, repetitive and boring everything with translucent effect, everyone on throne. Gets stale fast.)
(P-Z): Translucent effect? Where precisely? I only noticed the translucency accordingly applied on the water on base, which is good. If translucent effect is required, why not use it? That's ok for me, no complain. Thrones, oh yes! Seems like the idea is that collectors want thrones, I am not fan of them at all, but everyone tends to think that characters on thrones will sell.

11 – Are you proud of the result? The painting really brought it to life, especially the eyes, but all the pallet from the darkest blackish green to brightest cream yellow is just fantastic. Apart the painting are you proud of the sculpture and the way it was done?
(P-Z): I think the paintwork is awesome and really brought the character to life, I like it. And I am happy with the job I did, however I am very critic with my own work in general, there are always things that could have been done better, you are able to see that more clearly with the past of time and seeing it from a distant point.

Incredible color palette. Impressive transition from very dark tones to very bright ones.

12 – Speaking of pride, please name three sculptures you’ve done that you’re proud of.
(P-Z): I could not talk about pride, but I can name a few I still like: Hulk vs Silver Surfer Diorama,
Blood Elf vs Draenei Diorama and the Galactus Legendary bust.

Handmade. No computers used.

13 – What character would you like to sculpt but were not able to tackle until now?
I love Silver Surfer, I would like to sculpt a 1/4 statue of it, my own design and style.

14 – What’s your favorite character (not necessarily from comics)?
Love Devilman, Cobra (space adventure), Ryu, Ken, Akuma and Bison

Akuma, Ryu, Ken some of Pablood favorite characters.
A Street Fighter fan, perhaps? :)

15 – What it takes to be a good sculptor? Can somebody embrace the profession in a cold, unpassionate fashion?
I am convinced that all is about a mix between passion, perseverance, enjoyment and attitude.

16 – What would astonish you the most: to see an alien or to see a ghost? (No, you can’t answer a ghost-alien or an alien-ghost! Take the easy road takes all the meaning of the question. :P)
Both are really interesting, I don't like aliens if we are referring to Giger's “Aliens”, I find them very boring at this point.

17 – Three bands you love and three favorite movies.
No favorite bands, I enjoy music in general, nowadays I am enjoying a lot Lana del Rey.
Movies? Many! “The Road”, “A Story of Violence”, “Oblivion”.

18 – Leave a phrase, a bombastic news or a quote to our fellow readers.
"I believe in god when everything is lost", I find it funny and a so fucking true statement at the same time.

And I have faith in you and in your bold decision of leave Sideshow and start a new career in a much smaller place. I desire you all that is best and that we can see your work again soon enough. I would like to add that, as probable the last Pablood-Z hand sculpt, certainly Killer Croc will be that much more valuable to me now. Thank you for taking your time to answer the questions. I and I believe the readers are thankful for that.

You can order Killer Croc with the exclusive crocodile alternate head right now through Sideshow sponsored link below (while supplies last):

Killer Croc DC Comics Premium Format(TM) Figure


Oh, and to those interested in a good fight, or a fight for good, below is the link for the petition asking Sideshow to begin their payment plans as soon as the figures are out for pre-order, giving us more months to pay at smaller monthly fees. If you like this idea, just click the link below and sign the petition. It will take just a minute and can make a lot of difference to all of us average-pocket collectors. 

Sideshow payment plans starting along with the pre-orders means more months to pay, meaning cheaper monthly fees, meaning more easier payments. If you want this to happen, sign the petition. It only takes a minute but can bring long term facilities to all of us Sideshow (and Prime 1 and Hot Toy and etc.) collectors.

Friday, November 25, 2016


Well, looks like Venom is the villain of the moment. Some say because of the launch of his new comic book. I don’t know what’s the cause, what I know is that the three major collectible powerhouses launched or will launch their 1:4 takes on the Spider-Man symbiotic foe. The 999 ES of XM Studios version was sold out from the site in 60 seconds, so the community says. They also say that the majority of these pieces were already sold along several conventions XM participate and that the rest of the stock was mostly gone due to the immense hype around it and grabbed by flippers (people who buy a piece with the sole intention of resell it for an astronomic profit). I don’t know how the 60 seconds thing happened but my bet is that XM Venom will be the weaker version among the three anyway. At least the less detailed one. And I personally don't like the glossy black stripes along XM Venom. But it's a clean streamlined version that many will certainly enjoy. Interesting will be see the clash of the other two titans, Sideshow and Prime 1 Studios.

We can have a good idea of how Sideshow Venom will look like by their preview pictures. One of the great mysteries would be how the Prime 1 Venom will look like since they only released two 3D rendered snippets of it (as far as I’m concerned), none of them giving a clearly idea of the finished piece.

The other mystery is the price tags both Sideshow and Prime 1 will practice. If they’re too close, if Sideshow decides to try to flush us with another $700 PF piece and Prime 1 keeps its less then $800 price tag for 1:4 scale figures, that will be a really interesting fight to watch. If the prices are really close, the chances of Prime 1 wins the battle is huge because the quality of their pieces, undeniably superior to even the best of Sideshow efforts. Fandom will play a huge role in this fight too, but I believe that if the prices are too close many Sideshow fans may turn their head towards Prime 1’s figure, since you can’t get that different on Venom, it is a two-expression character: all teeth, with or without his tongue sticking out. Both Sideshow and Prime 1 will go for the tongue pose as the main head display for the figure. The Prime 1 pose is a mystery too. Prime 1 is learning fast, as one can tell by another snippet released by them of the N52 Flash, which for a first exhibits a very cool, full of movement pose, all the movement a Flash statue deserves, what means a lot of movement. And Prime 1 pulled it out, as far as the snippet shows. So we have several variables at stake. Price, quality, pose, coolness, personality (I don’t even count this very much since Venom is so monochromatic in expressions) and release dates.

XM’s has come and gone (directly to eBay). The real fight will be between Sideshow and Prime 1 since all XM statues are already sold. I sure like to watch a good brawl as both companies clash directly. Let’s see who’s get bruised. Something buzzes in my mind telling that maybe Sideshow will learn a thing or two from this experience. But the outcome remains to be seen. Hope they launch both statues at the same quarter, even the same month. I think that may happen since nobody will want to give a head start to the opponent.

Well, now is take a good seat and wait the show begin. 2017 will already start very interesting. Besides that, the two companies will have Bane figures but not competing directly since Prime 1 figure is already on pre-order, poses 1:3 and is based on the videogame and Sideshow’s is 1:4 statue, totally based on the comics and yet to launch. But this fight will be much more based on fandom than on any other factor. Below images from the three Venoms, plus the snippet of Flash. And, why not, both Banes?

Addendum 2016-11-25: I just stumble on Sideshow's Venom full body picture. I would like to say that I'm not bashing XM, I'm just repeating what community said in Statue Collectors about how this 60 second thing happened. You're right, I'm a Sideshow fan but I've found the SS Venom's pose on the net and I didn't like it at all. I didn't know Prime 1 Venom was delayed and we don't know when Sideshow Venom will be launched. But I believe even Sideshow fans will wait to see Prime 1 Venom before they make their minds. I believe strongly that Prime 1's will be the winner of this battle. I'm a fan but I have a taste too. And I believe Prime 1 will bring the most impressive Venom of all.

Sideshow Venom pose. This foot on the ledge of the metal thing just ruins it for me.
XM's pose is much better albeit "classic". And now I think SS and XM Venoms are even,
with pros and cons on each side.

In case you lost Prime 1 Banes, here’s where to get them:

Bane - Mercenary Version DC Comics Statue Bane Venom Version DC Comics Polystone Statue


Oh, and to those interested in a good fight, or a fight for good, below is the link for the petition asking Sideshow to begin their payment plans as soon as the figures are out for pre-order, giving us more months to pay at smaller monthly fees. If you like this idea, just click the link below and sign the petition. It will take just a minute and can make a lot of difference to all of us average-pocket collectors. 

Sideshow payment plans starting along with the pre-orders means more months to pay, meaning cheaper monthly fees, meaning more easier payments. If you want this to happen, sign the petition. It only takes a minute but can bring long term facilities to all of us Sideshow (and Prime 1 and Hot Toy and etc.) collectors.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


... I don’t know, I feel there’s something missing about the Avengers Assemble Iron-Man just launched. I’m not sure if is the lack of detail of the sculpture or the lack of personality but it doesn’t seem like a collector item to me. It looks very much like a toy in my opinion. And it’s not the size. My 1:5 He-Man most certainly doesn’t look like no toy at all. I quite don’t know what went wrong with this one. The armor is creative, different from every other version I’ve seen. It just does not look cool enough. It is not cool at all. And the face, better saying, the mask, doesn’t bring any expression, the mask is the big mess of it all. I don’t know what Randy Bowen did with his oversimplified sculptures (for today standards, I love Bowen Designs, by the way) that make good old Iron-Man look so cool. I really don’t know but it’s not present in this streamlined piece. Presence. Is this the exact word that lacks to this figure. It has no presence, no personality, no Sideshow magic to it. I know I can’t compare because it’s an 1:4 statue but Sideshow Daredevil PF is a relative simple design, based on the comic book character and it oozes personality on his face, on his pose daring jumping over the broken justice of Hell’s Kitchen. That Daredevil statue tells a story about the character. The Avengers Assemble Iron-Man tells me nothing. It’s a completely inexpressive uninspired piece. From base to face. But then again it’s not a fair comparison. Even though is fair to compare 1:5 Skeletor’s armor with Legendary Scale Doctor Doom armor and call it a draw in terms of beauty and detail (and I still prefer the Skeletor’s best).

Iron-Man comes for a friendly price (again for today standards), $360, and many will buy for nostalgia’s sake. I don’t blame them. Who am I to judge anybody tastes? I’m just expressing mine. For a little less I prefer to put my money in one of the Sideshow Ninja Turtles. They are small but surely has that Sideshow magic, they have each a different personality and are very detailed models for their sizes. And I don’t like the Turtles comics nearly as I love classic Iron-Man ones. But comparing the statues, I stay with the turtles ones all the way. And the worse (or the better, so I save my money) is that Captain America is coming the same way even though I believe he’ll be a bit more expensive because of the Cut & Sew finishing, what I find pretty cool (albeit the utility belt packs seemed really big in proportion to the statue).

I’m seeing more promise in Hulk and Thor though. I believe they will bring a lot more personality to the Avengers Assemble line by the bit I could see in the preview picture of the group. And don’t take me wrong, I hope Iron-Man and his pals sell well. I want to know which other Avengers could appear down the road. Sideshow’s David Igo said they’re planning to do statues of heroes they never tried before or in a long while and this is like music to my ears. They will certainly maintain the streamlined style to give unity to the line, what brings me a bit of concern. But Captain America is already more detailed than Iron-Man, even though it also lacks the character of his big brother 1:4 scale Captain America - Allied Charge on Hydra. Once again, I don’t know why, since He-Man, Skeletor and Evil-Lyn all have presence and personality being 1:5 characters. But, hey, maybe it’s just me being picky and becoming a surly old guy. Or, like I said I, became too used to the hyper detailed armor from the movies.

One thing is for sure: please don’t take my word about this piece. Nor about any other. Make your own mind and buy it if you will. I’ll even facilitate for you and put a link to Iron-Man’s Sideshow page at the bottom of the post.

P.S.: I just saw the pointy alternate head now. It’s awesome!

Marvel Iron Man Marvel Statue


Oh, and to those interested in a good fight, or a fight for good, below is the link for the petition asking Sideshow to begin their payment plans as soon as the figures are out for pre-order, giving us more months to pay at smaller monthly fees. If you like this idea, just click the link below and sign the petition. It will take just a minute and can make a lot of difference to all of us average-pocket collectors. 

Sideshow payment plans starting along with the pre-orders means more months to pay, meaning cheaper monthly fees, meaning more easier payments. If you want this to happen, sign the petition. It only takes a minute but can bring long term facilities to all of us Sideshow (and Prime 1 and Hot Toy and etc.) collectors.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


I thought I was the only one but I’ve found another voice thinking that would be awesome if Sideshow’s Payment Plan was offered with more monthly installments, beginning the month the pre-order is launched, at lower values so the average-pocket collector could own more Sideshow goodness (and Prime 1, Hot Toys etc.). Therefore, if I've found another one who thinks this way I bet there are more of us who think this is a great very helpful solution to our collectible needs.

I think Sideshow don’t do this because they’re afraid of people giving up in the middle of the payments once the rush for the statue in one’s mind is over if the monthly installment is too low like, say, around the $25-$30. A value most people won’t mind letting go in the name of the new sensation. I think that’s the reason they never lower the monthly fees less than $50, even though I believe the sales would multiply and, compared to a possible higher level of desistence, would more than compensate this endeavor.

That’s why I’m doing this petition. If we are too many maybe they’ll hear our plead. So if you want to buy your Sideshow, Prime 1 and all the other companies Sideshow represents at a slower more accessible pace, please manifest your desire. Don’t be shy. It’s okay to demand changes in the industry. We shape them, as much as the companies. So let us be heard.

Please, help us make the difference and reshape Sideshow business model to encompass more collectors. If you want your figure to be paid through more, lower fees this is the time and place to do so. Take action. Sign the petition fixed on the right corner of this blog. Or click on the links below:

Sunday, November 20, 2016


This 1:4 scale figure worth $750 to you?

The two 1:4 lines from Prime 1 Studios revealed that their prices are disproportional to the size of statue or that besides Sideshow is really friendly about the prices of theirs. The Witcher and New 52 lines certainly don’t reach the absurd heights of XM Studios (which is focused on Richie Rich collectors). But come close. Pay $750 for Prime 1 Superman is completely out of reality for what the statue offers. On the Witcher side, the price look more “fair”, so to say, because the statue is absurdly detailed, but, even so is an extortive price, as I find the Sideshow’s Deadpool Heat-Seeker absurd besides having a ton of addendums that certainly, along with the license, raise its production costs. Pay $700 plus for a 1:4 statue is a no-go to the average collector (among whom I’m certainly inserted). I can’t believe this will sell as the 1:3 Prime 1 statues. The cooler the Witcher 3 character looks it is only a videogame character. Of course, the game is fabulous, sold millions of copies and was elected game of the year by the majority of the videogame press, but it doesn’t make it a Spider-Man (who was sold by Sideshow for $470, almost $300 less).

How much would you pay for a videogame character statue?

I can’t really complain only of Prime 1, it’s just because I was seeing the “What’s New” section from the Sideshow site and the prices of their two 1:4 figures jumped out my eyes. Iron Studios doesn’t practice Sideshow compatible prices as well. Not to mention the alreday mentioned XM.

What leads one to think that the words from Sideshow’s CEO are really true, that really Sideshow makes the best to keep the costs down without (in most of the cases) loosing quality. Even though the quality of Prime 1 Studios is unparalleled (check Witcher 3 Geralt of Rivia pic for a comparison). But production quality isn’t the only quality at stake for me. I believe creativity and personality to be much more appreciable qualities than that. And Sideshow (alongside the custom scene) are unmatched at those. The two Prime 1 efforts are all about production values with no charisma and no creativity whatsoever. At least Iron Studio’s sold out Spider-Man has a very intricate pose and a very complex base that is almost a piece per se. You almost can see why it costed $750. Almost. I still think is a very excessive price.

Speaking of creativity and personality, for $250 you take a truckload of these with Mondo’s Batman: Red Rain (also sold in the What’s New section of Sideshow site). Even though it doesn’t fit my collection style, this awesome piece dares to shows a completely freaky devilish Tim Burtonesque dichromatic (orange and shades of grey) take of the cape crusader that few would dare (outside the customs scene). It’s not full of details as a Prime 1 Statue and most certainly won’t be a hit but it deserve it for its audacious art direction. I just hope it becomes a sleeper hit among the more cult collectors.

Now that's a creative daring statue.

At the end of the day, even with the unexplainable inflation of prices from Sideshow pieces we have seen, they are still the friendliest company out there to average-pocket collectors like me. Maybe like you.

Links to buy Superman, Witcher 3 Geralt and Batman: Red Rain below:

DC Comics Batman Red Rain DC Comics Statue

Addendum: In fact, besides Sideshow, there's also First 4 Figures and Pop Culture Shock that practice the most fair prices nowadays. Even though all companies are passing for a inflation of prices beyond any economic change happening in the world right now. And that's what concerns me when I see a 1:4 scale for more $700. It may pass from exception to norm next year and put me out of the collection hobby.

I'm a 1:4 figure with the price of a 1:3 figure.

Addendum 2: according to sources, the new Anti Venom 1:4 Prime 1 figure will cost nothing short of $900. It's an absurd price, only compared with XM crazy pricing practice. The statue is very cool but the price is completely out of reality, at the same rate as Prime 1:3 figures what is unbeareable, no matter how complex the figure is.


Oh, and to those interested in a good fight, or a fight for good, below is the link for the petition asking Sideshow to begin their payment plans as soon as the figures are out for pre-order, giving us more months to pay at smaller monthly fees. If you like this idea, just click the link below and sign the petition. It will take just a minute and can make a lot of difference to all of us average-pocket collectors. 

Sideshow payment plans starting along with the pre-orders means more months to pay, meaning cheaper monthly fees, meaning more easier payments. If you want this to happen, sign the petition. It only takes a minute but can bring long term facilities to all of us Sideshow (and Prime 1 and Hot Toy and etc.) collectors.

Saturday, November 19, 2016


If these new photos are from the mass production Captain Marvel, I swallow my words and concerns from months ago. The paint job on this one is simply terrific, not a flaw to be seen on the stripes, and even better than the prototype shown with the new subtle metallic tone on the red parts of her uniform. Along with Dark Phoenix, the two best Sideshow female statues to come out this year, easily. I wish I had the bang to snag her too. Since I don’t have extra $499, I’ll post lots of pictures to everyone appreciate this beautiful work. Congratulations to the Chinese factory who manufactured this. And Sideshow for the excellent quality control on this piece. Enjoy.
Get yours before the cool Kree helmet exclusive item goes off (there's a sponsored link at the bottom of this article). It’s a pretty neat alternate display to her.

(Good) envy of the owners of this one…

Captain Marvel Marvel Premium Format(TM) Figure


Oh, and to those interested in a good fight, or a fight for good, below is the link for the petition asking Sideshow to begin their payment plans as soon as the figures are out for pre-order, giving us more months to pay at smaller monthly fees. If you like this idea, just click the link below and sign the petition. It will take just a minute and can make a lot of difference to all of us average-pocket collectors. 

Sideshow payment plans starting along with the pre-orders means more months to pay, meaning cheaper monthly fees, meaning more easier payments. If you want this to happen, sign the petition. It only takes a minute but can bring long term facilities to all of us Sideshow (and Prime 1 and Hot Toy and etc.) collectors.

Friday, November 18, 2016


They look like Sideshow pieces to you?

I may be wrong, I probably am but the Iron-Man and the Captain America disclosed from the new Avengers Assemble line don’t seem like Sideshow statues at all. If I would guess, they are Prime 1 doings. I tried to look for some evidence of my theory but found any whatsoever. It’s just mere speculation. But something about them don’t look nothing like any Sideshow’s previous works, they don’t have that Sideshow feeling, if you know what I mean. It may be very well because they are doing things on ZBrush now or they hired new sculptors but there’s something odd non-Sideshow about them that resembles me more Prime 1 Studios efforts with the 1/5 Superman and Green Lantern. It’s not that I dislike the figures (in fact I didn’t like them very much, though I always dreamed about a Sideshow Classic Iron-Man PF) but I think they lack Sideshow’s magic touch. They don’t have the personality Sideshow figures have to me. That’s why I think it’s a new line from Prime 1. I know I just admitted I think Prime 1 figures to lack personality but comparing with Sideshow pieces, I certainly do. Time will tell. Curious to see Hulk and Thor though, they look more promising (even though one can barely see them). Wanted to hear your thoughts about my probable delusion.

[Addendum 11-19-2016]

I was wrong, they are really Sideshow pieces, as clarifies Sideshow's Creative Director David Igo in

"We originally wanted to do a 1:5 movie line, collect all the avengers throughout all the films, and keep building a collection.

Problem is, all of their costumes constantly changed from film to film, and film approvals are a bunch of extra hoops you gota jump through… So we decided to stick to the occasional film 1:4 scale PF / Maquette from time to time, when they made sense, and re-think the movie 1:5 line into a comic book line.

So yah, no movie 1:5 line (like we originally planned) and it transitioned to a comic book line.

The first 4 are the big 4, and we have more designed out to hopefully continue the line. If the first 4 all sell as well as we hope they will, there will be more to come. Im stoked because a couple we have planned we havent done before (by us) and some are repeaters for characters we havent done in a long while. So it's a good mix of possibly new territory as well as revisiting some classic characters we havent done in a while.

1:5 scale is also really growing on me as well. I used to be a "EVERYTHING 1:4 SCALE OR FAIL!" guy, but the more you look at how crazy collection space can get, and the rising prices, 1:5 scale is still a nice chunk of a statue, but helps minimize the space as well as the price, allowing for more people to work on collections.

So, who knows, hoping these are received well. Iron Man goes up really soon with Cap not too far behind. Stoked for full reveals on Thorster and Hulkie as well."

So that's the story, Maybe the 1:5 scale give them a different look, I don't know. Hope everything goes well with the line nonetheless. Even though I think Masters of Universe 1:5 line to be miles away in quality, detail and personality as this new line. I wonder why.

Sunday, November 13, 2016


Prime 1 Studio Batman (Prestige Edition)

I don’t know if they began with it, I believe guys from Pop Culture Shock (and the company that spawned PCS) were the firsts, but Prime 1 Studio definitely popularized 1:3 statues. The quality of the pieces and the level of detail are astounding, the bases are a little too bulky for my taste but are amazingly detailed and compatible with the characters over it. Even so I still prefer my figures 1:4 for a series reasons. First of all 1:3 is a piece so big, few collectors has enough room to collect several of them. I already have trouble finding space for my 1:4 figure let alone the gigantic 1:3 statues. Second, in orders to occupy the less space possible – at least I thing is because of that – the immense majority of them come in museum pose (standing like a soldier) with no movement, no life. The 1:4 figures on the other hand come in the most varied and dynamic poses with arms raised, jumping, even flying or levitating, especially but not only Sideshow Collectible pieces. Take Daredevil Premium Format Figure, per example. He is jumping over a destroyed Justice statue and is fixed on the base by a big pin on the only feet that touches the ground, with his whole body project to the front in a very dynamic pose. I don’t know if this pose is even possible with a 1:3 scale figure due to the weight such a pin would have to sustain. Probably it would cause leaning issues on the piece.

Sideshow Collectibles Daredevil Premium Format

About detail on a figure I can cite one that has equal if not more details than these 1:3 figures and is only a 1:5 scale statue: again Sideshow’s Skeletor, from the reimagined Masters of Universe series. The level of detail of Skeletor’s armor is nothing short of astonishing. So size doesn’t necessarily means more detailed pieces. Besides that the price and the shipping of the big guys are hugely prohibitive. For my pocket that is. Even though Sideshow launched a 1:4 Deadpool statue that costs $700 what it’s a first (and I hope a last) in its line of PF figures.

While 1:3 statues prices revolve around $900, most of the Sideshow’s 1:4 scale pieces today gravitates around $450-$500 which is a huge difference for people with pockets not so deep as is my case. (Hope they keep costs that way, otherwise I’ll have to give up collecting.)

Of course, I wish to have a 1:3 Batman but I think I will content myself with the $399 1:4 scale Batman from Sideshow. Which may not have an elaborate armor as his big brothers counterparts, but has two impressive head sculpts, his clothes are really made of cloth and is as imposing as the 1:3 ones IMHO. Ah, and he fits my collection space. And my pocket.

Sideshow Collectibles Batman Premium Format

Friday, November 11, 2016


The image that deceived making me drool over this statue for months
I admit that all the caos of explosions and grenades and missiles surrounding the new Deadpool PF are akin to the character personality. Having said that I think it turned a once cool clean statue - in a fabulous unique pose - into a complete overload, messy, crappy thing. The same happened with the price. If it doesn’t have all these bells and whistles and kept it clean it would cost at least $150 less. And would be instead of comical, pretty darn cool. The kissing face and the selfie stick would be enough to show the Deadpool’s funny attitude. The way it is the statue is a complete no-buy to me and the price absurd. I couldn’t be more shocked or frustrated when I saw the complete prototype on SDCC pics after spending months drooling over the preview pic on Sideshow’s site. I was glad I had sold my Deadpool with dead chicken exclusive PF because of that preview pic that showed none of the crap they attach to it. The base is horrendous and the use of translucent things – a common place in every new Sideshow statue I’ve seen recently – is completely excessive and that bloody missile is the apex of ridiculousness. I know, I know Deadpool is about some really ridiculous stuff but when I buy an statue I want it to look pretty and look cool, I don’t want it to look messy and ridiculous, only if it’s optional through removable interchangeable parts (like again the kissing face and the selfie stick). But I think I’m a lonely voice since the president of Sideshow manifested it was a big hit record pre-order statue. Even at this price range. 

No words can describe my feelings about this picture... :(

I couldn’t regret more I sold my old Deadpool. Shame on me. Maybe now there’s a new one everybody find cooler than the old one, the price of the chicken version drops on eBay reaching the plateau I sold it. Who knows? But if you love this one as you probably do, don't waste time click on the Sideshow sponsored link below and get yours:


Oh, and to those interested in a good fight, or a fight for good, below is the link for the petition asking Sideshow to begin their payment plans as soon as the figures are out for pre-order, giving us more months to pay at smaller monthly fees. If you like this idea, just click the link below and sign the petition. It will take just a minute and can make a lot of difference to all of us average-pocket collectors. 

Sideshow payment plans starting along with the pre-orders means more months to pay, meaning cheaper monthly fees, meaning more easier payments. If you want this to happen, sign the petition. It only takes a minute but can bring long term facilities to all of us Sideshow (and Prime 1 and Hot Toy and etc.) collectors.